Students must see the PBS Service Hour Faculty Coordinator BEFORE participating in any community service project that will be considered for graduation.
(1) Students are required to earn at least 10 documented service hours from approved community organizations during each of the freshman through senior years of high school to fulfill graduation requirements. Students who fail to obtain the required 10 hours for the year will be required to complete the hours and will receive a penalty of 5 additional hours for the next year.
(2) Each service year begins June 1.
(3) The list of approved community organizations will be available on the PBS website.
(4) Any new community service organizations must be approved in advance by the PBS Service Hour Faculty Coordinator.
(5) Students must contact and make prior arrangements with the community organization before volunteering.
(6) Forms must be signed out from and returned to the PBS Service Hour Faculty Coordinator.
(7) All service hours must be verified and approved by the PBS Service Hour Faculty Coordinator prior to participating in service.
(8) Hours served to fulfill service obligations for other organizations cannot be used to also meet PBS service requirements.
(9) Seniors must complete all service hour requirements by April 1 of the senior year. If the service component is not complete, a senior will not officially graduate until the requirements are met.
(10) All underclassmen must complete all service hour requirements by May 31.
(11) Students who transfer from other schools after the freshman year of high school will receive a pro‐rated service hour requirement.
(12) Students serving on mission trips may receive all 10 service hours to count towards their community service requirements.
DRESS CODE REQUIRED: Parkview t‐shirt and appropriate attire required.