Submit your Federal Form 1040 Income Tax Return, W-2 forms, and supporting documentation for non-taxable income to FACTS.You can upload documents by logging into your online account or fax them to 866-315-9264. Draft or preview copy tax documents will not be accepted.
Please allow at least two weeks for processing your application.
Step 3 Financial Aid Determination
Who decides how much financial aid I will receive? The educational institution granting aid is solely responsible for determining the final award. The analysis completed by FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment serves as a recommendation only.
Why do I have to provide this personal and confidential information? FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment must verify your expenses and household income to assist your institution in making an informed decision about the amount of financial aid needed for each family.
How can I check the status of my application? Once you have completed the online application, you will be able to log on to the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment website to check the status of your application.