You are now ready to begin the process. To get started click the ‘Apply’ button above. You will create an Online Application account, so you may want to gather the following documents to have them ready. Interviews and/or entrance tests will not be scheduled until the file is complete with all academic records and required Referral Forms/Surveys.
Grades from current year and the previous school years (grades 1-11)
Most recent standardized test scores (grades 2-11)
– Acceptable for Grades 2nd – 10th – ERB, Stanford, LEAP, ACT, Aspire, etc.
– 11th grade applicants must have most recent ACT Score
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher Survey (incoming TK and K, to be completed by current Pre-K teacher)
PK, TK and K Parent Survey (to be completed by parent)
Student Questionnaire (grades 5th-11th)
Two (2) Recommendation forms that are emailed directly to the Principal/Teacher, so please have their email addresses ready.
– Teacher Recommendation (grades 1st- 11th); Math or English teacher required for 7th- 11th
– Principal or other Administrator Recommendation (grades 1st- 11th)
Non-refundable application fee of $165
Additional Documents required for PK and K (to verify age): Copy of student’s birth certificate