The middle school visual art program is designed to enhance the skills students have developed in the elementary art program. Our goal is to prepare students for when they enter the high school fine arts program where they will be able to choose from a variety of classes to fulfill the fine arts graduation requirement.
The 5th grade art program is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of art and design, different art media, and some famous historical art figures. This is a semester long course.
The 6th grade art program is designed to reacquaint students to the fundamentals learned in the 5th grade, and to help the students learn to apply these fundamentals to more challenging projects. This is a semester long course.
The 7th and 8th grade art program is designed to prepare and encourage the students to continue visual art throughout high school. The goal of this course is for the students to leave with at least an intermediate, if not advanced, understanding of the fundamentals of art and design, and for them to be able to apply them to more challenging, advanced projects with historical aspects. This is a year long course.